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Rob Levine
September 20, 2025 How the Bush Foundation wasted $45 million and 10 years on an ill-conceived assault on teachers免费下载全本圣书在pc用安卓模拟器观看抖音海外版tiktok - 简书:2.你有科学上网的账号。到时在BlueStacks安装你平时的科学上网app。3.伡下是BlueStacks界面,可伡看到我用的是V数字Ray的科学上网工具,tiktok是在googleplay下载的,你也可伡百度它的apk进行安装 老王科学的上网工具下载 Rob Levine
May 15, 2025 免费下载全本圣书免费下载全本圣书Though specifics vary, across the nation charter schools are draining the students and finances of public school districts, creating distress in many. In Minneapolis, the Minneapolis Foundation is trying this very strategy with its created entity, Minnesota Comeback, whose goal is 30,000 new charter seats in the city. Read the story > Rob Levine
October 8, 2018 免费下载全本圣书免费下载全本圣书At one time Hiawatha had passable test scores, but this story, like so many education reform stories, was not what it seemed. In recent years Hiawatha's test scores have dropped steadily back down to earth, so that now they're about half of the state averages. For some reason national, and especially local media aren't interested in that now. Read the story > Rob Levine
May 7, 2017 Twenty five years later charter schools a costly, failed experiment免费下载全本圣书This is a big year for charter school aficionados in Minnesota, as 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of the opening of the the nation’s first charter school in St. Paul. The legislation that authorized charter schools, enacted a year earlier, though limited in scope, promised a thorough consideration of the experimental education model, which has since sprouted up in 43 states and the District of Columbia. 上网科学工具app下载 Rob Levine
April 23, 2017 免费下载全本圣书免费下载全本圣书“School choice” is all the rage in Minnesota these days. The kind of school choice most in vogue are charter schools, where, according to promoters, less affluent parents can experience the same kind of education “marketplace” that rich people enjoy with their private schools. Read the story > February 1, 2017
Segregated 'Poverty Academies' underperform public schools免费下载全本圣书Questions about segregation, integration, and academic performance have been intrinsically linked in American education policy since at least 1954, when Brown v. Board held that segregated educational facilities are inherently unequal. The research leading to that decision,and the overwhelming social science consensus ever since, has suggested that segregated schools produce a host of harms for their students, and integrated schools generate a host of benefits. Read the story > Rob Levine
September 4, 2012 "High performing" Charter Schools免费下载全本圣书“Odds-beating charter school.” Those words are like an impenetrable shield for those who operate such places. They are also the holy grail of the education reform movement, which is constantly seeking shortcuts to radically increase measures of educational achievement, which these days is pretty much defined by increased math and language test scores. Read the story > more >
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June 19, 2018 Charter schools in Minnesota started or supported by the fundersSorted by size of largest school demographic This year ONE non-White majority charter school supported by funders in this database exceeded the state average in test score proficiency. But that one school is suspect because of wildly fluctuating test scores. Overall these schools are highly segregated and many have had very low test scores for many years. Read the story Hechinger Report
June 17, 2018 Nearly 750 charter schools are whiter than the nearby district schoolsLoose laws let scores of charters create policies that favor white students According to Joe Nathan, this isn't segregation because parents are "choosing" to segregate. Read the story Badass Teachers Association
January 28, 2018 Nancy Bailey 科技上网工具下载安装Public schools need a continuum of services for children experiencing emotional/behavioral problems. They also need a whole curriculum that includes classes that are therapeutic, like art, music, and drama. These classes can help students find their niche and keep them from academically falling behind. Read the story Journal Journal of Education Policy
February 7, 2017 Elisabeth E. Lefebvre & Matthew A. M. Thomas ‘Shit shows’ or ‘like-minded schools’: charter schools and the neoliberal logic of Teach For AmericaThis paper critically examines the relationship between these entities through the lens of TFA corps members placed in charter schools, and explores two types of schools described by interviewees, namely, ‘shit shows,’ and ‘like-minded schools.’ Read the story Bright Lights Small City
January 17, 2018 Sarah Lahm Minneapolis Public Schools Stands By Administrator with Side School Choice Consulting BusinessIn 2017, according to Minneapolis Public Schools staff, the district’s General Counsel, Amy Moore, investigated whether or not district administrator Bryan Fleming’s consulting business constituted a conflict of interest, per MPS policy 3000. The conclusion reached was that Fleming was not in violation of the district policy. Read the story Bright Lights Small City
January 16, 2018 Sarah Lahm Minneapolis Public Schools Administrator Runs a Side School Choice Consulting BusinessWhen it comes to declining student enrollment for the Minneapolis Public Schools, it looks like the fox may be guarding the hen house. It turns out that Bryan Fleming, who has served as Director of Enrollment Management for the Minneapolis schools since 2016, runs a side consulting business that offers “School-placement Advising for families and family law practitioners.” Read the story Have You Heard blog
May 4, 2017 Jennifer Berkshire 亲测有效 | 「无需绑定付款方式,注册外国Apple ID教程」 - 知乎:2021-12-23 · 能上网的电脑+ iPhone + 手机科学上网工具。提示:手机的科学上网的工具可伡自行在公伡号(Apple集市)找个外区的账号下载。伡下伡注册M区ID为例。PC端登录[Apple ID](Apple ID),注意要带 …Education is not the best anti-poverty program, argues historian Harvey Kantor, and it’s long past time we acknowledged that… One of the consequences of making education so central to social policy has been that we’ve ended up taking the pressure off of the state for the kinds of policies that would be more effective at addressing poverty and economic inequality. Instead we’re asking education to do things it can’t possibly do. The result has been increasing support for the kinds of market-oriented policies that make inequality worse. 上网科学工具app下载 Washington Post
April 27, 2017 Emma Brown and Mandy McLaren Nation’s only federally funded voucher program has negative effect on student achievement, study findsStudents in the nation’s only federally funded school voucher initiative performed worse on standardized tests within a year after entering D.C. private schools than peers who did not participate, according to a new federal analysis that comes as President Trump is seeking to pour billions of dollars into expanding the private school scholarships nationwide. Read the story Newsday
May 2, 2017 Michael R. Ebert, Scott Eidler, Víctor Manuel Ramos and Joie Tyrrell 科技上网工具下载安装Nearly 80,000 public school students in 100 districts across Long Island refused Tuesday to take the state mathematics exam given in grades three through eight, in a fifth straight year of boycotts driven by opposition to the Common Core tests, according to a Newsday survey. Read the story more >